Dilbar Salimovna Vakhidova

Professor of General Zootechnics and Veterinary Department of Tash.SAU Tashkent State University, Universitetskaya 2, Tashket district, Uzbekistan, 100140.

Keywords: water emulsion, spraying of body and premises, insecticide baits, traces of drug, internal organs, hemocartin, hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, aerosol treatment, zoophilic flies, experimental animals, control animals.


The use of insecticides against insects has two sides. On the one hand, it is possible to reduce the number of parasites, and on the other hand, insecticides can be excreted with milk, accumulate in internal organs and in blood. Therefore, our task was to study the effect of ethafos on the organism of animals after treatment of livestock premises with 0.3% aqueous suspension of ethafos and use of this preparation in the form of baits. It is noted that after wet treatment of the premises and body of animals there are insignificant changes in blood, as well as traces of drugs in muscles and liver.