European Science Methodical Journal 2024-06-29T13:50:49+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><strong><span class="S1PPyQ">European Science </span><span class="S1PPyQ">Methodical Journal </span></strong><span class="S1PPyQ">is a scholarly peer reviewed international multidisciplinary Journal. The journal implements double blind peer review for articles. The research manuscript have to pass through the plagiarism check before allotted to the reviewers. The open access journal ensure the quality of published articles. The journal includes wide range of research articles in multidisciplinary areas of Applied, Methodical, Therotical and Biological Sciences. The original review, research, literature, short note, book reviews are welcome to publish in this journal</span></p> <p>Important information of the Journal:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Frequency: </strong>12 issues per Year</li> <li><strong>International License: </strong> CC BY</li> <li><strong>Acceptance Status :</strong> 1-2 weeks</li> <li><strong>Publication Period :</strong> 1-2 weeks</li> <li><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2938-3641</li> <li><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 5.394</li> <li><strong>Journal Abbreviation:</strong> Eur. sci. methodical j.</li> </ul> <p>The scope of the journal is not limited to-</p> <ul> <li>Physical Sciences</li> <li>Biological Sciences</li> <li>Chemical Sciences</li> <li>Engineering and Technology</li> <li>Food Sciences</li> <li>Forensic Science</li> <li>Physical Sciences</li> <li>Medical Science</li> <li>Educational Science</li> </ul> DEVELOPMENT OF EFFECTIVE ADDITIVE MATERIALS FOR LUBRICANTS FROM SECONDARY RESOURCES 2024-06-06T05:47:23+00:00 Abror Khakimov Zarina Khakimova <p>In the article are considered some questions of the creation new and hither efficient additive anticorrosion and depression of the action on base available and cheap raw materials resource. They are determined main practical features additive, are revealed kinetic regularities and mechanisms anticorrosion protection of the metallic details of the machines and designs. The chemical stability of lubricant defined the oxidation an probing them in bomb under pressure of the oxygen (8 atm) under 100oC or bore the probing in special ditch in thermostats under raised to temperature. About stabilities judged on the amount of the absorbed oxygen, at time and on growth acid number lubricant. It is installed that introduction designed additive in composition of lubricant brings about reduction of water, in consequence of hydrophylling compositions that also reduces the corrosion of the metallic parts mechanism.</p> 2024-06-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 COMPETENCES OF FORMING PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF PRIMARY EDUCATION TEACHERS 2024-06-07T17:20:23+00:00 Mirkosimova H.M. <p>This article reveals the scientific-theoretical foundations of the formation of professional competence of primary school teachers, as well as the role and importance of the factors affecting it. In the following years, in our country, special attention is being paid to the fundamental reform of the education system, further improvement of the personnel training system, and increasing the level of professional training of specialists in this field. In this regard, research aimed at improving the professional qualifications of professors and teachers is of particular importance.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN ADOLESCENTS 2024-06-07T17:58:56+00:00 Burteshova A.B. <p>The article is devoted to the problem of empathy of modern teenagers. Primary diagnostics of the level of empathy in the subjects showed that there is a part of adolescents in whom the ability to empathize is weakly expressed. Adolescents may have difficulty interacting with other people, in building close relationships. Experimental and control groups were formed, which included students with a low level of empathy in terms of the general indicator. The formation of empathy in younger adolescents was carried out in the course of the implementation of a specially designed program of developing activities.The results of statistical data processing procedures before and after the training program showed that there is a significant positive dynamics of empathy indicators in adolescents. It is shown that a specially designed program of classes aimed at the formation of empathy components helps to overcome the difficulties of adolescents in reflecting and understanding feelings, establishing trusting relationships in communication with peers</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE EMERGENCE OF THE GAME OF VOLLEYBALL, THE HISTORY OF ITS DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN AND KARAKALPAKSTAN 2024-06-08T07:24:20+00:00 Kamola Rakhimovna Muradova <p>This article is devoted to the emergence and development of volleyball. The game of volleyball emerged from the combined techniques of basketball, handball and baseball. In 1964, volleyball was included in the program of the Olympic Games in Tokyo.</p> 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ERICH FROMM AND HIS CONCEPTION OF THE FREEMAN 2024-06-09T17:40:56+00:00 Ikrom Jomuradov <p>In the article is exposed E. Fromm's and F. Nietzsche understanding of the problem of human's alienation in society and are provided the ways to overcome it. Philosophers considered types of freedom and mechanisms o escape from freedom.</p> 2024-06-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECTIVENESS OF USING DIDACTIC GAME TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION 2024-06-09T17:57:54+00:00 Muborak Sobirovna Abdullayeva <p>In this article, didactic games and their advantages in the educational process, didactic methods that increase students' educational motivations, their abilities and interests in various directions, and help to determine their inclination to a profession through lessons organized using such games. talking about games.</p> 2024-06-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES AND IMPROVEMENT OF DESIGN 2024-06-09T18:00:01+00:00 Shermukhamedov R. S. <p>This article shows interactive methods, application and design methods of innovative technologies in technological education classes.</p> 2024-06-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPORTANCE OF VISIBILITY IN TEACHING MATHEMATICAL REASONING PROBLEM SOLVING 2024-06-11T11:51:58+00:00 Munisa Aminovna Davlatova <p>This article is written about improving students' knowledge, skills and abilities in solving logical problems in elementary mathematics classes. course, a demonstrative method of solving logical problems is considered. Differences in working on some issues in the upper class and in the primary class are shown.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE LAW OF GRADUATION IN LINGUISTICS 2024-06-11T11:54:07+00:00 Aziza Shavkatovna Qurbonmuradova <p>Studying the phenomenon of gradation in the semantic relations of language units on the basis of modern paradigms. The phenomenon of gradation existing in synonymy and antonymy creates the opportunity to distinguish and research other lexical-semantic relations. The fact that gradation is of special importance in the semantic relations of language units will be clarified by the researches of the next period of linguistics. The manifestation of gradation in linguistic phenomena refers to the investigation of its relationship with other lexical-semantic paradigms, scientific approaches about graduonymic relationship.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE FACTORS OF ITS DEVELOPMENT AND INTRODUCING THE PROFESSION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS 2024-06-11T11:56:00+00:00 Nigora Akbarovna Sharapova <p>This article presents ideas on the methods of organizing and conducting vocational orientation work with students of general education schools.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL BASIS OF THE IDEAS OF BUKHARA JADIDS ON EDUCATION 2024-06-11T11:57:42+00:00 Navfal Ashurov <p>This article talks about the meaning of the word jadid, its origin, the founders of the jadid movement and their ideas. It also describes the struggle of the enlightened representatives of Bukhara for national independence and freedom.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REFLECTION OF THE DESTINY OF THE NATION IN CHOLPAN'S SMALL PROSE WORKS 2024-06-12T06:41:43+00:00 Sohiba Arzikulova <p>This article highlights the reflection of the fate of the nation in Cholpon's small prose works, in particular, "Victim of Ignorance", "Doctor Muhammadiyor", "Baker Girl", "October Girl". It is emphasized that Cholpon's short stories were the basis for the creation of the novel "Night and Day". Cholpan's skill in showing the reasons for the events that made a radical change in the fate of the characters in the above-mentioned works is revealed.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON RESISTANCE TO EMOTIONAL BURNOUT IN TEACHERS 2024-06-12T06:55:55+00:00 Daria Konstantinovna Danko <p>The modern world, where stress has become the norm and overload is an inevitable companion of life, dictates its own rules. Under these conditions, emotional intelligence (EI) acquires special value, becoming the key to success in both professional and personal life.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF MENTAL STATES CHARACTERISTIC OF ATHLETES 2024-06-12T06:58:23+00:00 Kamola Khakimdjanova <p>This article provides information aimed at explaining and psychocorrecting such mental states characteristic of athletes as fear, anxiety, excitement, anger, nervousness, aggression, affect, panic.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS OF TEACHING TYPES OF WORDS ACCORDING TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF FORM AND MEANING 2024-06-12T20:26:24+00:00 Xayrullayeva R. L <p>This article shows the ways of understanding the word, understanding its meaning and correct use in the native language of schoolchildren. provides information on ways to expand the worldview of students by increasing vocabulary.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS OF TEACHING SCIENCE “EDUCATION” IN THE CONDITIONS OF MULTIFACETED DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY 2024-06-12T20:28:59+00:00 Mengdobilova M. Q. <p>In this article, the process of globalization and popular culture on the world scale, the negative impact of the process of globalization on youth education, nationalism, the result of reforms in the system of teaching social and humanitarian sciences in our country, including the teaching of the subject "Education" in general education schools in the education of a competent generation, as well as in the formation of ideological immunity significance was analyzed.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF DIGITALIZATION IN EDUCATION 2024-06-12T20:32:18+00:00 Nematulla Abdukarimovich Gulbayev Aygul Tolgatovna Kuralbayeva Arifjon Maxsudovich Khodjayev <p>The article analyzes the role of digitization in education based on the experience of the authors, paying attention to the problems of applying digital technologies to the educational process.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EVALUATION OF SOME IMMUNE PARAMETERS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS WHO ARE INFECTED WITH TOXOPLASMOSIS 2024-06-13T12:14:10+00:00 Saja Younis Dals Marwa Jassim Muhammad <p>The aims of this study is to determine the prevalence of toxoplasmosis infection in pregnant women during the first three months of pregnancy in Salah Al-Din, Iraq, from August 1, 2023, until February 1 2024. The sample examined by studying 203 sample, 123 samples (60.59%) were positive, and 80 (39.04%) samples were negative for antibodies. The current study examined 90 optical ELISA techniques, The highest percentage of IgM infection was recorded when there were no cats (43.75%), while the lowest percentage of infection was recorded (56.25%). As for the IgG, the highest percentage reached when cats were present (74.66%), and the lowest percentage reached when cats were not present (25.33%). the epidemic it was recorded from the current study that the highest percentage of IgM (81.25%) for infection with Toxoplasma gondii was in women who had miscarried, while the percentage decreased to (18.75%) in non-aborted women. As for IgG, the percentage also increased in women who had miscarried (72%). IFN-γ Its concentration increased (20.6±85.9 pg/ml) in infected women while its decreased (22.0±63.8pg/ml) In uninfected women. CCR5 Its concentration decreased (185.4±19.5 pg/ml) in infected women, while its concentration increased (185.4±19.5pg/ml). (284.0±28.1 pg/ml)in uninfected women</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDYING THE EFFECT OF ROSEMARY EXTRACT ON TYPES OF DERMATOPHYTE THAT EFFECT IN HAIR SCALP 2024-06-13T12:16:34+00:00 Assist Lecture Abrar Mohammed Qneed Al-Dafay Assist Lecture Zahraa Ali Hussain Auha Hameed Salim <p>Plants such as Rosmarinus officinalis are used in folk medicine to treat skin problems and infections. investigated the antifungal effects of Rosmarinus officinalis hydroalcoholic extracts against isolates of these three fungi. Dried Rosmarinus officinalis leaves and hydroalcoholic extracts were evaluated against dermatophyte species using the microdilution technique and microscopy. R. officinalis is the most efficient against dermatophytes based on the lowest inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC). The mechanisms by which this extract impeded hyphal growth were investigated using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy. The findings showed a marked inhibition as well as an irregular growth pattern. Through its modification of fungal hyphae and prevention of fungal development, this extract efficiently combats dermatophytes. Therefore, R. officinalis is probably a source of new compounds for the synthesis of antifungal drugs.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PREDICTION THE LEVEL OF PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF A STUDENT'S PERSONALITY 2024-06-13T14:41:43+00:00 Yuldasheva Saodat Mamasaxatovna <p>The content of this article is aimed at forecasting the level of professional training of students. In this, it was determined that communicativeness, organization, subject orientation, intelligence, and support are important in predicting the degree to which students of several higher education institutions are able to improve the qualities that should be formed in a teacher-coach during the process of pedagogical professional training. The research results were analyzed psychologically. Successful development of skills necessary for professional activity, professional maturity is perceived as a result of abilities as a positive relationship of personal qualities. In the process of professional maturity, the formation of professional abilities is ensured by a set of individual characteristics of a person. The transition to professional activity is a step-by-step process, and the transition from education to independent professional activity is an important aspect of every person. The professional direction of the teacher's personality is often strongly connected with his personal development, and is manifested in a harmonious state. In order to assess his professional maturity, it is necessary to highlight a number of aspects of the activity. The growth of social requirements determines the place of the profession and specialists in the life of society. For this reason, today it is necessary to use the term "significant" and "obsolete profession". The same point of view and worldview continue to lead young people in their career choices. For our research, taking into account these requirements, it serves to identify the causes of imbalances in the choice of profession and to develop recommendations for its prevention.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT OF DIDACTIC COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS ON THE BASIS OF AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH 2024-06-13T17:32:56+00:00 Firyuza Orazovna Orazova <p>This article describes the fact that the formation of basic life competencies is an actual socio-pedagogical problem, the concepts of "competence", "competence", their structure, various approaches to these concepts, the role of competence and competence in personal development. The approaches of many pedagogues and psychologists have been analyzed. As a result of these analyses, scientific opinions are stated. Accordingly, this article serves as a program for pedagogic scientists, teachers, authors of programs and textbooks, and researchers.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IMPORTANT PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL EMPATHY IN YOUTH 2024-06-13T17:35:37+00:00 Farida Zoirova Tashanova <p>The article is devoted to the problem of empathy of modern teenagers. Primary diagnostics of the level of empathy in the subjects showed that there is a part of adolescents in whom the ability to empathize is weakly expressed. Adolescents may have difficulty interacting with other people, in building close relationships. Experimental and control groups were formed, which included students with a low level of empathy in terms of the general indicator. The formation of empathy in younger adolescents was carried out in the course of the implementation of a specially designed program of developing activities.The results of statistical data processing procedures before and after the training program showed that there is a significant positive dynamics of empathy indicators in adolescents. It is shown that a specially designed program of classes aimed at the formation of empathy components helps to overcome the difficulties of adolescents in reflecting and understanding feelings, establishing trusting relationships in communication with peers.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF THE TYPOLOGICAL METHOD IN THE STUDY OF THE WORKS OF NAVOY AND SHAKESPEARE 2024-06-13T17:37:36+00:00 Nafisa Azatbekovna Rakhmanova <p>This article provides the role and importance of the comparative-typological method in the study the saga of “Layly and Majnun", the tragedy of “Romeo and Juliet” is shown on the example of the researches of Uzbek scientists who have compared the works of A. Navoi with the works of Shakespeare.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LANGUAGE PICTURE OF THE WORLD AND ITS REFLECTION IN DICTIONARIES OF DIFFERENT GENRE 2024-06-13T19:02:50+00:00 Irina Takhirovna Rajabova <p>The article considers dictionaries as sources containing the main lexical composition of the language with their interpretation and illustration, allows you to reflect a set of concepts called words, i.e. linguistic picture of the world. Attention is focused on the fact that explanatory dictionaries to the greatest extent reflect the linguistic picture of the world, since the interpretation of the lexical meaning of a word represents the concept and interprets different types of knowledge of the people</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FEATURES OF TEACHING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TO A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AUDIENCE IN THE CONDITIONS OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 2024-06-13T19:22:52+00:00 Badalova B.T. <p>Various methods of teaching the Russian language to students in a foreign language classroom are considered, taking into account the profile of education. New ways of solving the problem of professional language teaching of students based on nationally oriented methods are discussed.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING QUANTUM PHYSICS IN GENERAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS 2024-06-14T16:21:53+00:00 Abdurazzokh Nizamiddinovich Ernazarov Azizbek Farkhodovich Khudayberganov Tajibayeva J.T. <p>This article discusses the importance of teaching quantum physics in general secondary schools and the challenges in teaching the department.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT OF LOGICAL THINKING IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS AMONG JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN 2024-06-14T16:24:52+00:00 Lola Uktamovna Urinboyeva <p>The article reveals the role of mathematics in the formation and development of a child as an individual, as well as its significance in practical life. The main task of teaching mathematics in primary school, methodological principles of teaching, the content of the primary mathematics course within the National Curriculum, as well as an analysis of the features of modern teaching are presented.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MODERN TRENDS AND DIRECTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT 2024-06-14T16:26:38+00:00 Kibrio Ergashevna Buriyeva <p>The article describes the relevance of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the field of vocational education, because the technologies that need to be used in their activities should be aimed at the formation and development of a personality that meets the needs of society and contribute to ensuring a decent level and continuous improvement of the quality of education. Such technologies allow us to move to a qualitatively new level of education. Traditional learning is a type of learning that ensures the reproductive assimilation of knowledge. The teacher informs the topic of the lesson, the goals, which in no way contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest among students. Today, the teacher ceases to be together with the student the bearer of the "objective knowledge" that he is trying to convey to him. Its main task becomes to motivate students to show initiative and independence in discovering new knowledge, to find ways to apply this knowledge in solving various problematic tasks. At the stage of finding a solution, the teacher encourages students to put forward and test hypotheses, i.e. ensures the "discovery" of knowledge through trial and error.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT OF MEANING IN WORDS AND SEMANTICS OF MEDICAL TERMS 2024-06-14T16:29:44+00:00 Baxodir Turdiyevich Suyunov <p>This article discusses the word and its semantic features, the smallest units of lexical meaning, as well as the semantics and etymology of some Uzbek medical terms. In this regard, the authors purposefully used scientific sources in Uzbek and Russian, as well as various dictionaries and research works, turned to examples and evidence that distinguished these concepts and phenomena, and made appropriate scientific conclusions on the topic. In particular, based on the method of historical-simultaneous analysis, the semantics and etymology of Uzbek medical terms are convincingly revealed. For example, when analyzing the term “temiratki” (lichen) on the relevant facts, its gradual changes from the appearance of Mahmud Koshgari on the sofa to the present day are emphasized.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN THE LIGHT OF PROBLEMS OF MULTICULTURALISM IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF UZBEKISTAN 2024-06-14T16:47:54+00:00 Dilrabo Khasanovna Saydakhmetova <p>In this article, using the example of the creativity of the “autotranslator of cultures,” the Russian-language writer of Uzbekistan V.G. Yan (Yanchevetsky) reveals the concepts of “multiculturalism”, “intercultural communication”, “translation” in the individual author’s refraction, in the text of fiction of Russian-speaking Uzbekistan, as f</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMATION OF SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN 2024-06-14T18:13:26+00:00 Shoista Sadikova Dildora Azamatova <p>The article talks about the skills of forming social consciousness in preschool children.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MEDIA CULTURE AND INNOVATIVE PEDOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR USE 2024-06-14T18:24:49+00:00 Rustam Abdurashidovich Toshtemirov <p>This thesis highlights the essence of the use of media culture and innovative pedagogical technologies in education, their role and significance in improving the quality of education. This thesis also examines the effectiveness of using innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMATION OF TECHNICAL PREPARATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2024-06-14T18:54:23+00:00 Abdilkhakim Turdievich Jumayev <p>The article describes the experience of obtaining and applying the targets of technical preparedness of schoolchildren. The application of the method of questioning and calculation of the concordance coefficient made it possible to single out the indicators of the technique of eight test motor exercises that determine the physical preparedness of schoolchildren.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A TEACHER 2024-06-14T18:58:07+00:00 Makhbuba Aslanovna Khalmukhamedova <p>The article presents the professionally significant qualities of teachers, considered by scientists for a long time and determining the content of professional competence, identifying the pedagogical, psychological, social conditions of its formation</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SHAKESPEARE AND ITS ROLE IN THE HISTORY OF WORLD LITERATURE 2024-06-14T19:00:37+00:00 Saodat Sharipovna Zuparova <p>This article is dedicated to the work of the great playwright, poet – William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's theme remains relevant at all times. We tried to reveal the artistic originality of Shakespeare's work.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS AND LINGUISTIC GAMES AS A MEANS OF FORMING A FOREIGNER’S COMMUNICATIVE PERSONALITY WHEN TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 2024-06-14T19:03:35+00:00 Kamola Abdullayevna Shokarimova <p>This article, based on theoretical and practical experience, describes methods of providing a comfortable teaching of a foreigner, and also reveals the features of the concept of linguistic games, as one of the options and means of forming a communicative personality of a foreigner.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CRAFT TRAINING IS THE MAIN CONDITION FOR PRESERVING OUR TRADITIONS 2024-06-14T19:06:15+00:00 Marasulova I. M. <p>The article talks about learning a craft as the main condition for preserving our traditions.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A CLUSTER SOLUTION FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL STUDENT LEARNING IN THE TEACHING OF NATURAL SCIENCES 2024-06-14T19:10:17+00:00 Atanazar Karimovich Rakhimov Nadira Abdukhamidovna Mirzayeva Dilnavoz Bakturdiyevna Saidova <p>This article analyzes in detail the individual characteristics and capabilities of students in teaching natural sciences and in the organization of the educational process. A theoretical analysis of the organization of training sessions based on an individual approach in the educational process is presented. According to the principle of the innovative pedagogical cluster, the methodology of the approach to the student's personality is highlighted, based on the effectiveness of its application in practice.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING STUDENTS TO DESCRIBE A STILL LIFE COMPOSITION MADE UP OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IN PENCIL DRAWING SESSIONS 2024-06-15T06:32:22+00:00 Ulfat Shuhratovich Ismatov <p>In this article, the stages of drawing up a still life composition, consisting of household items, describing a still life composition in pencil, are shown in methodological consistency in fine art training.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SPICY AND MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF SAFFRON (CROCUS SATIVUS) PLANT 2024-06-15T06:34:21+00:00 Nasiba Abdunazarovna Yuldasheva <p>This article provides information on the systematic role of saffron plant, medicinal and spice properties, its practical importance in food, pharmaceuticals, porphyumeria and the national economy.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 HYPOTHYROIDISM IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF ALZHEIMER 2024-06-15T06:36:14+00:00 Lenara Serverovna Seit-Asan <p>Thyroid hormones (TG) have a wide and important range of effects in the central nervous system. Thyroid diseases are one of the main causes of cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aim of this work was to study individual indicators of thyroid hormones in an experimental model of a neurodegenerative state with symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (MA)</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TECHNOLOGIES FOR FORMING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCES OF FUTURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS IN DIGITAL EDUCATION CONDITIONS 2024-06-15T06:38:11+00:00 Ayjan Anarbekova <p>The article talks about the technologies of formation of communicative competences of future English language teachers in the context of digital education.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTIVATED PLANTS IN HUMAN LIFE 2024-06-15T06:40:08+00:00 Ahror Abdusalimov Tolqin Normuratovich Absamatov <p>This article provides information on the history of the beet (Beta) plant, its distribution area, its biology and varieties, cultivation technology, the nutritional value of its root, its importance in human life, and its negative aspects.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF YOUNG GYMNASTS 2024-06-15T06:42:18+00:00 Ziyodullayeva Madina Ziyodullayevna <p>The article provides examples of the development of physical qualities of young gymnasts.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL TRAINING OF VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS 2024-06-15T06:44:24+00:00 Tohir Suyunov <p>The article examines and analyzes the technical and tactical training of volleyball players.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DYNAMICS OF GENERAL PHYSICAL FITNESS OF YOUNG WRESTLERS 2024-06-15T06:46:11+00:00 Gaybulla Usmanovich Husanov <p>в статье рассматривается и анализируется динамика общей физической подготовки борцов.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE TO MAINTAIN THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN A MODERN SOCIETY 2024-06-15T06:47:48+00:00 Juratbek Abduraimov <p>This article analyzes professional competence, qualification requirements for modern specialists, effective use of methods and tools aimed at forming their professional competence in the process of training informatics and information technology teachers.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF PARASITIC INFECTION IN CHILDREN 2024-06-15T13:41:24+00:00 Erkinov N. G. <p>The problem of protecting children's health is one of the priority tasks of health care today. Currently, one of the factors determining the state of health is socially determined diseases, including protozoonoses and helminthoses, which make up 99% of all parasitic diseases. Parasites often contribute to the development of chronic eating disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, chronic intoxication, sensitization of the body, and serve as the main factors of weakening of the immune system.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LEXICAL AND SYNTACTIC-SEMANTIC MEANINGS OF PHRASAL VERBS WITH THE PREPOSITION “ON” 2024-06-15T13:44:03+00:00 Jumanazarov Samandar Urinovich <p>One of the peculiarities of English-language prepositions is that they have the ability to change their function by combining verbs. By combining verbs, they can form certain strings. At the same time, they form complex expressions in combination with certain verbs. The syntactic properties of prepositions are mostly studied in the phrasal layer and the level of the word. The article presents theoretical ideas in this regard and proves them with examples.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMATION OF CREATIVE SKILLS IN JUNIOR SCHOOL CHILDREN IN FINE ARTS LESSONS 2024-06-16T08:53:21+00:00 Gulmira Jumaniyazovna Arslanova Ksenia Vitalievna Azarova <p>This article reflects research on the use of interactive pedagogical technologies to develop creativity among elementary school students in fine arts lessons. The positive impact of various innovative techniques on improving children's creative abilities is analyzed. Attention is focused on the practical application of these techniques in the educational process.</p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMING STUDENTS' KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BY CREATING PRACTICAL PROGRAMS IN THE PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2024-06-16T17:46:37+00:00 Menura Ashurova <p>This article talks about the methods of forming and using students' knowledge and skills using the Python programming language, the use of practical programs in the educational process, and the types of practical programs.</p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SHAPE STUDENTS ' KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BY CREATING APPLICATIONS IN THE PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2024-06-17T08:43:27+00:00 Mukhiddin Uljayevich Ashurov <p>This article discusses the problem of lack of time for teaching high school students object-oriented programming within the discipline “Computer Science” and its solution by developing an elective course aimed at in-depth study of the Python programming language through the creation of game applications. The course offers the development of two games: arcade and logic using the capabilities of the Pygame and Arcade libraries.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CONTINUOUS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND ITS SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL CONCEPTUAL ISSUES 2024-06-17T15:30:04+00:00 Eshnayev N.J. <p>The development of individual society as a result of the acceleration of globalization, the reforms carried out in the educational system and its effectiveness, as well as the theoretical and practical issues of the organization of inclusive education are highlighted, the importance of the state and society and the responsibility of the teacher in this, professional ethics and culture, professional the issue of competence, responsibility and duty is discussed.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE CONCEPTUALITY AND DENOTATIVENESS OF SPACE IN THE ANOMALOUS WORLD OF FANTASY 2024-06-17T19:04:20+00:00 Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova <p>The article examines the additive and constitutive features of the fantasy genre in the projection of the creation of denotations of the communicative space of the anomalous world, forming a special language of communication between the fictional characters of the work. During the study, certain aspects of the definition of the anomalous world put forward in the works of some literary critics were challenged.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS A VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE TO ENGLISH TEACHERS 2024-06-17T19:06:36+00:00 Said-Fozilxon Akmalxonovich Akmalxonov <p>The digital age has significantly transformed education, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) playing a crucial role, particularly in English language teaching and learning. This article examines AI's impact, highlighting its benefits for students and teachers. AI-powered platforms provide personalized learning by tailoring lessons based on individual student data, enhancing learning experiences and confidence. Tools like virtual assistants and chatbots improve communication skills and critical thinking. AI also offers access to up-to-date language resources, aiding reading and listening skills. For teachers, AI automates administrative tasks, allowing more focus on personalized instruction. The article emphasizes that AI should complement, not replace, human educators, as human interaction and empathy remain essential. AI has the potential to revolutionize English language instruction, making it more engaging, efficient, and effective for both learners and educators.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE RISE OF REMOTE WORK, EVALUATING THE PROS AND CONS OF WORKING FROM HOME 2024-06-17T19:08:40+00:00 Ulugbek Yarashovich Elmurodov <p>The article addresses the rise of online work following a global health crisis. It is particularly useful for individuals undecided about the most suitable type of work for them, as it systematically compares the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. The key aspects of this work model are analyzed, highlighting its global preference levels. Additionally, the article outlines the conditions conducive to e-working and emphasizes the strategic benefits of home-based work. This comprehensive analysis aims to provide a clear understanding of whether remote work is a suitable option based on individual circumstances and career goals.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE GAMES IN DEVELOPING LINGUISTIC ABILITIES 2024-06-17T19:10:24+00:00 Mavluda Abduvaliyevna Komiljonova <p>The article reveals on the notion of the language game as a form of linguistic abilities and the creation of conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities. The manifestation of these skills is the formation of new words and the willingness to choose the stylistic devices.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE USE OF THE INTERNET IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 2024-06-17T19:12:18+00:00 Elvina Reshatovna Kenjali <p>The integration of the Internet into education has revolutionized the way languages are taught and learned. For second language acquisition (SLA), the internet offers diverse resources and interactive tools that traditional methods lack. This paper explores the use of the internet in SLA, examining its effectiveness, the variety of online tools available, and the challenges faced by learners and educators.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE SECRETS OF A SUCCESSFUL EDUCATION 2024-06-17T19:13:59+00:00 Mukhlisa Kenjaeva <p>This article is about the Education is an important in one’s life. It is the key to success in the future and to have many opportunities in our life. Education has many advantages for people. For instance, it illuminates a person’s mind and thinking. It helps students to plan for work or pursue a higher education while graduating from university. Having education in an area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also their community. In addition, education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and prepares people for life experiences. It makes people have a special status in their own society and everywhere they live in. I believe that everyone is entitled to have education ‘’from cradle to grave’’. There are various benefits of having education such as having a good career, having a good status in society, and having self-confidence</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PECULIARITIES OF USING MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH 2024-06-17T19:15:43+00:00 Eldorbek Khamitov <p>Teachers who have given clear directions only to have students raise their hands and ask, “Right, what do we do now?” know how important it is for tourism faculty students to learn how to listen and speak in their early years. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening all come together as kids get to know the English language and improve their speech skills. This piece talks about the problem of understanding what you hear as an important part of everyday communication. While listening is an important part of learning a language, it was not given much attention in traditional language classes for a long time. This piece shows how listening activities can greatly improve speaking skills by looking at both theoretical frameworks and real-world applications.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IMPROVING ENGLISH PRONUNCIАTION THROUGH SHАDOWING TECHNIQUE 2024-06-17T19:17:15+00:00 Nаfisа Rаimovnа Kobilovа n.kobilovа <p>Shаdowing is а lаnguаge leаrning technique thаt often used аs а supplementаry prаctice to enhаnce lаnguаge leаrning. It helps improve pronunciаtion, intonаtion, аnd rhythm, аs well аs develop listening skills аnd overаll fluency. By аctively engаging with аnd mimicking nаtive speech pаtterns, leаrners cаn develop а more natural and authentic wаy of speаking the tаrget lаnguаge. The given pаper discusses the shаdowing technique аs а method for improving English lаnguаge skills, pаrticulаrly in listening аnd pronunciаtion.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LANGUAGE GAMES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2024-06-17T19:18:52+00:00 Diana Komilovna Ruzmetova n.kobilovа <p>Chalk-and-talk instruction, a traditional method of teaching and learning, is becoming obsolete in classrooms. Different task-based processes are introduced to teachers and students in order to improve student participation throughout the course. Using language games to help teach different skills is one of the most popular and favored teaching methods. Language games are now being used in classes on a more sophisticated and modern platform thanks to the rise of digital learning tools and web applications. When conducting language games during classes, teachers can better meet the needs and interests of their students by using engaging and appropriate resources and a variety of instructional strategies, particularly when it comes to teaching grammar in context. Many studies, concentrating on specific targeted language areas and skills like grammar, have used a variety of language games to demonstrate its effects on learners' knowledge, competency, and motivation in learning a language. Thus, this study will examine the use of language games in teaching and learning grammar with regard to second language (ESL) learners, based on evaluations of previous literature.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LITERARY AND NON-LITERARY LANGUAGE IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK 2024-06-17T19:21:09+00:00 Nargiza Tulyaganova <p>Every language has its own similarities and differences, posing specific challenges to the process of learning and teaching. This is especially true when studying a language vastly different from one’s native tongue. This article provides information on the language forms of English and Uzbek. It describes some literary and non-literary words and phrases in both languages, comparing their similarities and differences, and explores additional linguistic elements such as phonetics, morphology, syntax, and sociolinguistic aspects.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGIES OF TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND ITS FUNCTIONS 2024-06-17T19:23:21+00:00 Firuza Turopova <p>Teaching English grammar effectively requires a variety of strategies to cater to different learning styles and needs of students. Here's an annotation of some key strategies along with their functions. Helps students understand grammar rules in real-life contexts rather than isolated drills. Teachers can use authentic texts, dialogues, or real-life situations to teach grammar, showing how grammar rules are applied naturally. Function engages students actively in learning and applying grammar. Activities like group discussions, role plays, and games make grammar learning interactive and enjoyable, promoting active participation and understanding. Addresses diverse learning needs and abilities in the classroom. Teachers can vary the complexity or depth of grammar tasks, provide additional support or challenge based on individual student needs, ensuring inclusive learning. Appeals to visual and auditory learners, enhancing understanding through different senses. Use of videos, diagrams, charts, and multimedia presentations to illustrate grammar concepts visually, making abstract rules more concrete. Integrates grammar learning into meaningful tasks and projects. Students learn grammar through completing tasks such as writing emails, creating presentations, or solving problems, focusing on communication rather than just correctness. Provides guidance for improvement and reinforces correct usage. Giving timely and constructive feedback on grammar errors helps students understand their mistakes and encourages self-correction. Builds knowledge progressively from simple to complex grammar structures.</p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRUCTURAL LEVEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN FUTURE PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS 2024-06-18T16:01:13+00:00 Otabek Norboyevich Odilov <p>Organizational skills are one of the qualities necessary for a modern teacher. This article discusses the theoretical aspects of the formation of organizational skills in physical education teachers.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PREVENTION OF TYPICAL ERRORS MADE IN DRAWING 2024-06-19T11:15:32+00:00 Qudrat Shaydulloyevich Bekqulov <p>It is known that the process of education is a two-way process. Both the teacher and the student should be active in this process. If the pedagogue strives to achieve success in his work, he must definitely increase the activity of students, encourage their activity and guide them in the right direction. One of the main means of improving students' performance is teaching them to correct typical mistakes in drawings.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WAVE DISTRIBUTION IN STERGIN UNDER THE LIGHT OF LONGING FOCE 2024-06-19T17:55:08+00:00 Jakhongir Roziqulovich Butunov <p>When an external force acts on an elastic body, waves propagate through the body. This paper discusses the equation of longitudinal wave propagation in a body under the action of a longitudinal force on a clamped elastic rod and its solution. This solution is of great importance today, as waves generated by many forces on elastic bodies can cause the body to rapidly collapse, crack, and break.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FEATURES OF PERSONALITY AND PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES OF A TEACHER OF A PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION 2024-06-19T17:57:01+00:00 Shokhista Rabidjanovna Samarova <p>The article describes the tasks of education according to scientists. The personality of the educator plays an important role in education. Education is effective when the teacher is attentive to the educational process.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMATION OF AUTOPEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN FUTURE TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 2024-06-19T17:58:35+00:00 Malika Muminovna Parpiyeva <p>This article deals with the problem of the formation of auto-pedagogical competence of future teachers in the context of the modern educational process. The main emphasis is on creating conditions for independent learning, self-development and self-education of students. A comprehensive and systematic approach to this task is being developed, including the development of special educational programs, methods and technologies, as well as the use of modern information and educational technologies and resources. Attention is also focused on the organization of practical training for future teachers and mentoring by experienced professionals.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE COMPETENCE 2024-06-19T18:00:44+00:00 Marhabo Yusufovna Yakubova <p>The article reveals the importance and necessity of forming creative competencies among future teaching staff, deepening their scientific and practical knowledge in the context of modernizing education, raising the effectiveness of education to a qualitative level, and forming pedagogical creative competencies. The author also mentioned the skills that allow teachers to organize creative activities.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECT OF MILK ON CHILDREN'S ORGANISMS 2024-06-19T18:02:55+00:00 Damira Turdibekovna Atabayeva Arzigul Ashirbayeva <p>This article is written about the positive effect of cow's and goat's milk consumed in the morning breakfast on the children's body. The composition and beneficial properties of cow and goat milk are widely covered.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA-GLOBAL PROBLEMS 2024-06-19T18:05:36+00:00 Akram Toshtemirov <p>This article analyzes the concepts of racism and xenophobia, their essence. Characteristic features of racism are shown and their differences with concepts such as chauvinism and xenophobia are shown. There has also been some reflection on the ideological basis of racism, the negative consequences of racism in the socio-economic life of states. From a historical and philosophical point of view, as well as at the current stage of the development of science, the complexity of racial research is determined. Attempts have been made to draw holistic conclusions about the main aspects of racism and xenophobia by comparing data from different sources. You will also find information about what the worldview of racist and xenophobic people is, their similarities and differences in nature in this article. Two types of racism stand out: classical and modern (neo-fascism). Under classical racism is understood as the ideology of domination and submission, where social inequality is explained by anthropomorphic characteristics. Modern racism is sublimated racism in which biological emphasis shifts to the field of culture and language. Various forms of racism (domestic, intellectual, institutional, etc.), within the framework of which the intersection of classical and sublimated racism is identified. And xenophobia has the most common types, such as racial, religious, territorial, ethnic, domestic, social. There are also very rarely manifested types of xenophobia: eidjism (insulting attitude towards people with age) , gandikapism (discrimination (discrimination) of a person according to their limited physical capabilities). This article highlights with examples how great these two ideological risks lead to human peace, economic prosperity.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DEVELOP THE SECRETS OF FORMING A PERFECT MEMORY AND REMEMBERING IN EDUCATION 2024-06-19T18:07:30+00:00 Mahfuza Husenovna Sadullayeva <p>This article will highlight the methods of using mnemotechnical methods in the organization of educational processes in the higher education system and the formation of perfect memory in itself. A number of techniques and techniques of different methods have been touched upon in creating perfect memory. The memory reveals the process of constant memory of historical data, their analysis by historical events and phenomena, persons and deadlines. Qualitative education, interventional educational tools and individual educational technologies are important in the development of memory skills and in the expansion of the field of teaching in the historical sciences processes, the listener and the ways to eliminate the problems associated with the existing memory on the scientific view, and techniques reflected.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF HISTORY TEACHING IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 2024-06-19T18:09:18+00:00 Saodat Abdurashidovna Toshtemirova <p>The article presents the requirements for the content of history teaching in professional educational institutions, the legal and normative basis of history teaching, the analyzes and approaches of the specific methodological basis of teaching. Foreign models of history education are analyzed, the need to implement innovative approaches specific to the education system of our country is justified.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIDACTIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MODELING AN INNOVATIVE INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN TEACHING WORLD HISTORY 2024-06-19T18:11:09+00:00 Umirzoq Yuldashev <p>This article discusses the modeling of an innovative information educational environment in the teaching of world history and its significance for enhancing educational effectiveness. The possibilities of individualizing the learning process through innovative technologies, interactivity and collaboration, flexibility, and providing rich educational materials are analyzed. Additionally, the didactic requirements that need to be considered when modeling an innovative information educational environment are highlighted.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE USE OF DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATION IN HISTORY LESSONS: THEORY AND PRACTICE 2024-06-19T18:12:58+00:00 Feruza Shakirovna Ilmurodova <p>This article covers theoretical and practical aspects of the use of differentiated education in history lessons. In particular, in the process of teaching history, the processes of individual approach to low, gifted students are described, the assimilation of effective aspects of differential technology.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INCREASING PROGRAMMING SKILLS AND MENTAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE INFORMATICS TEACHERS 2024-06-19T18:14:51+00:00 Muhabbat Khudaynazarovna Khalmetova <p>This article analyzes professional competence, qualification requirements for modern specialists, effective use of methods and tools aimed at forming their professional competence in the process of training informatics and information technology teachers.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SKILLS FOR DEVELOPING PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN FUTURE TEACHERS 2024-06-20T11:52:54+00:00 Ravshanbek Rizomatovich Karimov <p>Determining the essence and features of the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of professional competence of a teacher requires solving a number of problems.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIAGNOSING AND ORGANIZING REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES ON THE AUTISM SPECTRUM 2024-06-20T11:59:01+00:00 Nigora Azizovna Egamberdiyeva <p>This article highlights the factors of ensuring continuity of work on the correct diagnosis of children with autism syndrome, effective organization and conduct of correctional and developmental work that ensures the elimination of deficiencies in behavior and general development, as well as their successful adaptation to social life.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF CAMERA NAVIGATION TRAINING IN ENHANCING TEAM PERFORMANCE IN VIRTUAL REALITY LAPAROSCOPY: A LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-06-20T12:02:48+00:00 Parpibaeva Dinara Ayupovna Ergashov Nodirbek Shermuxamat ugli <p>Background: Virtual reality (VR) simulation has revolutionized surgical training by providing a realistic and risk-free platform for skill development. Laparoscopic surgery presents unique challenges, including the need for effective camera navigation. This literature review explores the impact of camera navigation training on team performance in VR laparoscopy. Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar was conducted to identify relevant studies published between January 2010 and December 2023. Keywords such as "virtual reality laparoscopy," "camera navigation training," "team performance," and "surgical simulation" were used. Studies were included if they examined the effects of camera navigation training on team dynamics, communication, and surgical proficiency in VR laparoscopy. The selected articles were critically reviewed, and key findings were synthesized. Results: The review identified several studies demonstrating that camera navigation training significantly improves team coordination, communication, and surgical proficiency. Trained teams showed better synchronization, clearer communication, and more efficient surgical maneuvers. These improvements were associated with reduced procedure times, fewer complications, and enhanced surgical outcomes. Discussion: The findings underscore the importance of integrating camera navigation training into surgical simulation curricula. Such training enhances team dynamics and surgical performance, contributing to safer and more effective laparoscopic procedures. However, further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of camera navigation training and its transferability to real-world surgeries. Conclusion: Camera navigation training is crucial for improving laparoscopic surgery outcomes. By enhancing teamwork, communication, and technical skills, such training programs prepare surgical teams for the demands of modern surgery, ultimately leading to higher standards of patient care.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PHENOMENON OF "CULTURAL CRASH" 2024-06-20T12:07:46+00:00 Nilufar Makhsudovna Koshanova <p>In this article, the phenomenon of "cultural crisis" that occurs in people when they encounter a foreign culture and ways to get out of it, as well as the stages of adaptation to a foreign culture, are studied.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MODERN METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCE ON HUMANS 2024-06-20T12:11:14+00:00 Oybek Alisherovich Abdullayev <p>The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the psychological impact on a person of external factors associated with the dynamism and transformation of the modern information space. In the modern world, a person is exposed to an increasingly open and implicit (hidden and implicit) psychological impact of the information environment. Special attention is paid to online communications and the types of impact that can be implemented there. The purpose of the article was to study scientific concepts such as: "psychological impact" and "psychological impact", the analysis of which is associated with modern methods of psychological impact on a person in a virtual environment. The theory of research methodology is based on related disciplines that reveal the impact of the digitalization of society on the psychological security of the individual, based on scientific literature. The obtained research results made it possible to identify the negative impact of Internet technologies on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, to understand the mechanisms of its action and to develop psychological protection in a person, the ability to competently dose the time spent on the Internet, to develop a culture of safe and ethical behavior in the Internet space.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE UNIQUENESS OF DEVELOPING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS BASED ON THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 2024-06-20T12:16:45+00:00 Atabek Sotbarov Dilfuza Sotbarova <p>There was talk about the uniqueness of developing the professional competence of future teachers based on the educational process.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TEENAGERS' PERCEPTIONS ABOUT CAREER CHOICES AND CAREER PROSPECTS 2024-06-20T17:21:56+00:00 Zuhra Mirzotilloyevna Radjabova <p>The right choice of profession is the main criterion that determines the efficiency of professional activity. Because identifying the need for a profession allows for the correct formation of motivations for activity. There is a direct connection between the proportion of adolescents to the profession and their perceptions of the professional perspective and professional formation.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE FIELD OF BIOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR THE REALIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL GOALS 2024-06-20T17:25:33+00:00 Allanazarova I.A. <p>It is known that "Biology" is the science of living organisms, and as in any natural science, its postulates are formed on the basis of proven scientific data, denying any unproven phenomenon. Simply put, modern biology is based only on facts, losing its axiological value due to the technological revolution. At the same time, if we turn to the origin of the development of biology as a science, it is clear that initially the surrounding world was perceived through the senses, and it is known from psychology that sensations are formed on the basis of information received from receptors. When a person perceives information through intuition, he forms his own vision of the world in his mind, and this is reflected in his behavior and actions in relation to the people around him and the external environment. If we turn biology into its sources of origin, it is possible to restore its moral, spiritual and educational role in the life of any person. The article describes ways to implement competence-based and educational goals in biology lessons in secondary and higher educational institutions.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MECHANISMS FOR IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL COMPETENCE 2024-06-21T09:17:07+00:00 Sirojiddin Barakayevich Qorayev <p>The article is aimed at educating students in the field of environmental education, positively changing their attitude towards the environment and nature, preserving nature, mitigating current global environmental problems and their negative consequences, including water shortages, global climate change and its regional impact on climate and nature. In addition, students, future teachers talk about environmental competence, environmental protection.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INCREASING THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL PHYSICAL FITNESS OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS IN EXERCISES 2024-06-21T12:33:44+00:00 Bekmurod Anorboyev <p>This article provides summery of how to improve the general and special physical fitness of players during training.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SPORTS TRAINING AS A PROCESS OF ANALYZING AND DETERMINING THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF ATHLETES 2024-06-21T12:35:18+00:00 Ravshajhon Solijonovich Mamatkulov <p>This article discusses the issues of developing students' skills and abilities to conduct metrological research and process empirical data for subsequent scientific interpretation, integration of acquired knowledge into practical pedagogical activities in the modern process of physical education and sports training.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SPEED CONTROL OF AN ATHLETE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIS PHYSICAL QUALITIES 2024-06-21T12:37:31+00:00 Amangul Saparbayevna Yusupbayeva <p>The article presents the most reliable tests for opening samples measured by mechanical dynamometers. Parameters such as strength gradients and maximum strength measured by strain gauge systems are characterized by relatively high reliability.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 USING INNOVATIVE METHODS IN TEACHING SPEAKING SKILLS 2024-06-22T18:37:47+00:00 Hasan Uzairovich Akhmedov <p>Currently, modern methods of teaching are widely used in the educational process. The use of modern teaching methods can lead to greater effectiveness in teaching. It is advisable to choose these techniques based on the didactic function of each lesson. Enriching the traditional form of teaching with a variety of methods that enhance the learner's performance will lead to an increase in the level of self-learning. This article deals with these problems and, moreover, further examples are provided.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM FOR A PARTIAL DERIVATIVE EQUATION OF PARABOLIC TYPE WITH TWO LINES OF DEGENERACY 2024-06-24T09:01:41+00:00 Sharipov J. I. <p>This paper examines the edge problem for a partial differential equation of parabolic type with two lines of degeneracy, a representation of the solution is obtained, an a priori estimate of the solution is derived, theorems are obtained that prove the uniqueness and conditional stability on the correctness set of the solution.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 METHODOLOGY FOR CORRECT USE OF NATURE TERMS IN PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS 2024-06-24T09:05:25+00:00 Aydarov E. B. <p>In the article, the content of the formation of variative concepts of nature in the teaching of Natural Sciences in primary education, the state, didactic features of the pedagogical process, age characteristics of students, compliance with the level of knowledge, improvement on the basis of a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the scientific and practical significance and development of activity experience, as well as, aspects of the formation of qualifications and competencies are described.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN NATURAL SCIENCES 2024-06-24T09:07:42+00:00 Mahliyo Sobirova <p>The article talks about the integration of information technologies in natural sciences and its importance.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JADIDS SCHOOL IN TURKESTAN 2024-06-22T18:41:02+00:00 Abdurahim Khasanovich Khasanov <p>In this article explains about the enlighteners of Turkestan - the Jadids - the foundation for the movement to reform school education, turning the traditional educational centers of the ancient style that emerged in the Middle Ages into schools of a new method that provide modern knowledge. As a result, modern education and training, European civilization and the goal of serving its national culture, the modernist movement developed, schools of a new method were opened and began to educate young people.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PLANNING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ANNUAL TRAINING OF STUDENT WHO DOES RACE WALKING 2024-06-22T18:46:16+00:00 Zafarjon Valikhodjaevich Saydkulov <p>The growing competition in the race walking of track and field athletics and the raising the results recorded in the competitions necessitates the need to improve the system of training athletes in this sport in the world sports community. The training system of race walkers is a long-term pedagogical process, in which it is appropriate to organize sports training step by step on the basis of prospective planning. It is important to develop the physical fitness of athletes, technical-tactical, functional, psychological and interval training, and improve them in the system of training athletes. In addition, it is necessary to carry out important tasks such as the selection and determination of fitness of athletes in the preparatory stages for this sport. As a result of the continuous growth of sports results in world sports practice, special studies are being conducted by leading scientists in different countries. In particular, conducting various investigations on the selection of athletes for this sport, improving their physical fitness, developing their functional condition, and raising their psychological preparation creates a basis for improving the effectiveness of the sportsmen's training system. However, the increasing results of sports walking at the competitions require the developing and preparing the training programs for race walkers on a scientific basis and making changes to them. This is one of the urgent issues in the system of training athletes.</p> 2024-06-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF VALUES IN THE FORMATION OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE IN STUDENTS 2024-06-25T12:26:14+00:00 Dildora Abdurakhmanovna Mahkamova <p>The article expresses an opinion on the role of values in the formation of ecological culture among students of secondary schools in the context of ecological globalization. The development of environmental education in general education schools in Uzbekistan is described as important, taking into account and mutual integration of the three basic values.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE PRINCIPLE OF VARIABILITY IN TEACHING AN ASTRONOMY COURSE 2024-06-26T13:07:46+00:00 Azlarkhon Magbarhonovich Tillaboyev <p>The article provides information on the use of the principle of variability when teaching students an astronomy course. It was suggested that students learn course material based on their abilities, interests and capabilities.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION ORIENTED EDUCATION 2024-06-26T13:10:07+00:00 Sayyora Turaxodjayevna Shermetova <p>The article discusses the system of intellectual and practical skills abilities of students, a learning model based on a scientific psychological and pedagogical concept.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EXPLORES THE INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITIES 2024-06-26T13:11:57+00:00 Orasta Hamraqulova <p>Language learning has transformed the way languages are learned and taught since the advent of technologies and the development of digital world. However, the role of technologies should be clarified when they are used as a medium of instruction or as a teaching tool. This paper investigates the incorporation of technologies into language learning in a context of English as a second language. The research subjects are students of a private university who study the language for vocational purposes. The study uses quasi-experimental method as the research subjects are selected among students of the researcher.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECTS OF STUDENT-LED CLASSROOMS ON UZBEK EDUCATION 2024-06-27T13:24:35+00:00 Uzoqova Marjona Sherali qizi <p>This study investigates the effects of student-led classrooms on the educational outcomes in Uzbekistan. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we analyze quantitative data from standardized test scores and qualitative data from student and teacher interviews. Findings indicate significant improvements in student engagement, critical thinking skills, and teacher-student relationships. However, challenges such as the need for teacher training and resource availability persist. Our results suggest that while student-led classrooms offer substantial benefits, careful implementation is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness.</p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF TRAINING FUTURE TEACHERS-TRANSLATERS 2024-06-29T09:20:32+00:00 Sevinch Bakhtiyorova <p>The article discusses the conceptual foundations of training future pedagogues-translators in the process of higher pedagogical education and presents the author's individual approaches to the issue.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NEW PEDAGOGY IN BADMINTON LESSONS STUDENTS WITH THE HELP OF TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES 2024-06-29T13:50:49+00:00 Nazokat Tolibayeva <p>Badminton is not a complicated sport, but it is an auxiliary exercise in the development of physical qualities of young people. Usually, as sports develop both mental and physical capabilities of a person, such qualities of an athlete also increase in badminton. The article also talks about the practical importance of using pedagogical technologies used in badminton training.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024