Negative Consequences of Fat Transplantation Enriched with Stem Cell Culture

Супхонов Умар Умедович

Файзиев Хасан Фахриддинович Азимова Азиза Азимовна

Абдурахмонов Дийор Шукуруллаевич

Научный руководитель Самаркандский Государственный Медицинский Университет Узбекистан, Самарканд


Throughout the history of civilization, methods for correcting defects in the human body have been developed and improved. In this regard, plastic surgery plays a special role. Its formation and development were not always accompanied by favorable outcomes of operations. In 1921, for the first time for aesthetic indications, liposuction (LS) was performed, aimed at correcting the shape of the lower legs. The course of the postoperative period was complicated by necrosis of the skin, then gangrene of the operated limb, which necessitated its amputation [1].

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