Processing of Milled Cotton Seeds in an Electric Magnetic Field

M. B. Tojiddinov

Doctor of Philosophy Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

Keywords: milled cotton seeds, acid number, perekis number, macro pore, gossipol, extremely high frequency, humidity, roasting.


In this article, the laboratory device for processing milled cotton seeds in an electric magnetic field with an extremely high frequency and the results of the experiment obtained are described. The volume of macro pores of the gourmets (from 1875 to 7500), processed at 2450 MGs, 300 W, at 12-14% humidity for 13-15 minutes, increased by an average of 2.0 – 2.2 times after ultra-high-frequency processing, and when comparing the acid and perekis number indicators of high gossipol cotton oil with oil obtained using traditional technology, compared with processing using frequency Beams has been shown to be more efficient than in the traditional method