Detection of Adolescent Tuberculosis in The Bukhara Region

Alimova Gulrukh Salimovna

Bukhara state Medical Institute

Keywords: tuberculosis, Diaskintest, children and adolescents, risk groups, morbidity, examination of contact.


Received the results confirm high sensitivity (in all patients with local forms of tuberculosis DST was positive) and the specificity of DST (in all children with post-vaccination allergic a negative reaction to DST was noted), which allows it to be used for differentiation al diagnostics of post-vaccination and infectious allergy in children. Using DST in complex examination of children with turns (VIA group) and hypertests for the Mantoux reaction (VIB group) allows you to detect active tuberculosis infection and significantly reduce the volume subsequent X-ray tomographic examination and dynamic observation by a phthisiatrician with unjustified prescribing of preventive treatment. The highest frequency of positive of TB risk groups was observed in the contact group (50.6%). Significantly a large number of cases (13 out of 26), contact with patients with bacterial excretion was detected only retrospectively, after the detection of TB disease (1/2 of them had contact with patients excreting among MBT strains with multidrug resistance, 2/3 had familial tuberculosis contact). It is necessary to improve the work on identifying contacts and their examination, expanding the sanatorium-type institutions for separation and isolation of children from foci of tuberculosis.