The Role of Regional Investment Attractiveness in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to the Country

Navruzov Ikram Abdullaevich

Senior Teacher of the Department of “Evaluation work and Investments” of Tashkent Institute of Finance. Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

Keywords: investment attractiveness, investment potential, investment policy, investment climate, foreign investment, investment potential, recipient, donor, investment attraction mechanism, investment flow.


This article examines the essence of the attractiveness of the investment climate, the theory of international indices recognized by the world, which assesses the investment potential, the views of economists on increasing investment attractiveness in attracting foreign investment. At the same time, the methods of determining the investment flow of developed countries, the negative and positive factors affecting investment attractiveness are analyzed. In addition, the necessary mechanisms for attracting foreign investment and scientific conclusions and recommendations to increase investment attractiveness have been developed.

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