European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><strong><span class="S1PPyQ">European Journal </span><span class="S1PPyQ">of</span> </strong><span class="S1PPyQ"><strong>Economics, Finance and Business Development</strong> is a scholarly peer reviewed international multidisciplinary Journal. The journal implements double blind peer review for articles. The research manuscript have to pass through the plagiarism check before allotted to the reviewers. The open access journal ensure the quality of published articles. The journal includes wide range of research articles in multidisciplinary areas of Economics, Finance and Business Development. The original review, research, literature, short note, book reviews are welcome to publish in this journal</span></p> <p>Important information of the Journal:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Frequency: </strong>12 issues per Year</li> <li><strong>International License: </strong> CC BY</li> <li><strong>Acceptance Status :</strong> 1-2 weeks</li> <li><strong>Publication Period :</strong> 1-2 weeks</li> <li><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2938-3633</li> <li><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 5.099</li> <li><strong>Journal Abbreviation:</strong> Eur. j. econ. financ. bussiness dev.</li> </ul> <p>The scope of the journal is not limited to-</p> <ul> <li>Economics</li> <li>Business Development</li> <li>Business Planning</li> <li>Finance</li> <li>Social Work</li> <li>Forensic Science</li> <li>Fashion, Textiles and Luxury Goods</li> <li>Emergency &amp; Disaster Management</li> <li>Food Sciences</li> <li>Museum Studies</li> <li>Real Estate &amp; Property Management</li> </ul> European Science Publishing en-US European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 2938-3633 HEDGING STRATEGIES IN MANAGING UNCERTAINTY: THE ROLE IN UZBEKISTAN'S TRANSITION TO IFRS <p>This article examines the role of hedging strategies in managing uncertainties during Uzbekistan's transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as mandated by Presidential Decree No. 4611 on February 24, 2020. The decree emphasizes the importance of adopting IFRS to provide transparent financial information and enhance access to international financial markets. The article explores how hedging strategies contribute to financial stability and transparency during this transition.</p> Master's Degree Marupov Abdushukurbek Alijonovich Undergraduate Student Kamoliddinov Sherzodbek Copyright (c) 2024 Master's Degree Marupov Abdushukurbek Alijonovich, Undergraduate Student Kamoliddinov Sherzodbek 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 2 6 1 4 ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEMS OF THE MARKET OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES AND ITS SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS <p>The principles of successful operation of higher education institutions and the market of educational services are studied. Factors affecting the educational services market are presented. The main directions of effective planning of the educational process are analyzed. It is based on the principles of higher education services market formation.</p> Mukhammadiev U. A. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 2 6 5 9 THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONS <p>Although the first steps to introduce participatory budgeting in Uzbekistan have shown positive results, there is still a lot of work to be done to involve citizens in the budget process. The article talks about the essence of the modern trends that increase the level of socio-economic development of the regions and the main problems related to them.</p> Nabiev O. A. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 2 6 10 14 AGE FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES <p>The article explores ways to optimize the process of physical education of preschool children based on the targeted use of stratified movement games, as well as the effectiveness of methods of child rearing and ways of mental development of preschool education.</p> Khomidov Mirkhon Uktamovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 2 6 15 18 GLOBALIZING UZBEKISTAN'S SMALL BUSINESSES: PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES <p>This article delves into the prospects for the development of small businesses in Uzbekistan within international markets. It examines the key success factors, challenges, and opportunities that Uzbekistan's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face in the context of globalization and economic integration. By analysing the current landscape, this study highlights the strategic measures needed to enhance the global competitiveness of Uzbek SMEs. The discussion focuses on the importance of innovation, market diversification, and supportive governmental policies as pivotal elements in fostering international growth. Through a comprehensive exploration of these aspects, the article aims to provide valuable insights into how Uzbek small businesses can effectively navigate and thrive in the global market.</p> Dilmurod Oripov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 2 6 19 23 THE PRACTICE OF USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION <p>The development of the world economy will be influenced by cognitive factors (from the Latin word “cognition” — “knowledge”, “thinking”) and the economy of economy, production based on nanotechnology and biotechnology. This leads to a sharp increase in the amount of information required to develop and make management decisions in the economy.</p> Radjabova Gulchehra Salomovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 2 6 24 28 DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN IN PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS AND ITS IMPORTANCE <p>This article highlights the importance of project management plan development and time planning in public private partnership projects. The project management plan is the main document that defines the detailed organization and execution of the project. This document describes each stage of the project from acceptance to its implementation. The plan defines the strategies, tasks, deadlines, and success criteria used in managing the project. Time planning defines project deadlines, order of execution, critical deadlines and interdependencies. The abstract describes the role of project management plan development and scheduling in public-private partnership projects to ensure efficient and effective project execution. This article shows how the project management process is structured, managed, and critical to success.</p> Mukhtorov Jasurbek Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 2 6 29 31 ECONOMETRIC MODELING BASED ON PANEL DATA <p>In this article, panel data, analysis, data representing the activities of a set of enterprises by quarters, annual socio-economic indicators of a specific group of countries, the construction of flexible and comprehensive models of panel data, and obtaining answers within the framework of spatial models are examined. The importance of panel data in analyzing the impact of various factors on the development of events over time, and in researching econometric and socio-economic processes, is discussed.</p> Muminova Maxbuba Abduvafoyevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 2 6 32 38 DIGITAL LOGISTICS <p>The advent of digital technology has transformed the way businesses operate, and the logistics industry is no exception. The integration of digital tools and techniques has given rise to digital logistics, a paradigm shift that is revolutionizing the supply chain management landscape. Digital logistics refers to the use of digital technologies, such as IoT, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and analytics, to optimize and streamline the logistics process. This article will explore the concept of digital logistics, its benefits, and its implications for the logistics industry.</p> Kayumova Parizoda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 2 6 39 42 STREAMLINING FINANCIAL PROCESSES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: THE EXAMPLE OF UZBEKISTAN’S METALLURGICAL COMBINE <p>This article explores the enhancement of financial processes within public procurement, focusing on the Metallurgical Combine of Uzbekistan as a case study. The research aims to identify inefficiencies in the existing financial mechanisms and propose strategies to streamline procurement activities. Through a detailed analysis of the Metallurgical Combine’s procurement system, the study highlights the key challenges and opportunities for improvement. Key recommendations include adopting advanced financial management software, improving transparency in financial transactions, and enhancing regulatory compliance. The findings demonstrate that by optimizing financial processes, the Metallurgical Combine can achieve significant cost savings, improved procurement efficiency, and better resource allocation. This case study offers valuable insights for other public sector entities aiming to refine their procurement financial mechanisms and achieve similar benefits.</p> Ulugbek Abdumajitov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 2 6 43 50 DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN FINANCE IN UZBEKISTAN <p>The purpose of the work is to assess the current state of "green" financing in the Republic of Uzbekistan and develop proposals to stimulate its further development. The methodological basis of the study was the use of modern economic and mathematical methods: cluster analysis, regression model construction. This allowed us to obtain results that have both a certain scientific novelty and practical significance. The evolution of scientists' views on the concept of sustainable development and the formation of a "green" economy is considered. The current state of "green" financing in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2000-2018 is analyzed. Clustering of the subjects of the Republic of Uzbekistan was carried out according to the level of environmental investments and current costs for environmental protection, which made it possible to identify regions that are leaders and outsiders of these processes, as well as to establish the fact of a high level of regional differentiation in financing "green" projects. The regression model constructed by the authors allowed us to prove that with an increase in investments in fixed assets aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources by 1 million soums, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan will increase by 0.1 billion soums. With an increase in the current costs of organizations for environmental protection by 1 million soums. The level of GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan will increase by 0.3 billion soums. The article concludes that in order to stimulate the development of "green" financing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to implement a set of measures providing for the formation of an appropriate regulatory framework; the development and use of new tools for financing "green" projects; the creation of a specialized banking institution.</p> Nargiza Nuriddinovna Rakhmatullayeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 2 6 51 58 THE GREEN ECONOMY: PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p>The green economy represents a paradigm shift towards sustainability, prioritizing environmental health alongside economic growth. This article explores the foundations and evolution of the green economy, highlighting critical sectors such as renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. Through an analysis of policies and strategies, the paper identifies challenges and offers solutions to overcome barriers. Case studies illustrate successful transitions, providing a roadmap for future efforts. The green economy is crucial for mitigating climate change and fostering global sustainability.</p> Abdullaeva Barchinoy Yuldashevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 2 6 59 66 ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY OF TIJOPAT BANKLAPE IN SECURITY SECURITY <p>The article provides an analysis of the activity of commercial banks in the securities market, offers and recommendations on the development of activities of commercial banks in the securities market.</p> Kenjayev Ilhom Giyozovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 2 6 67 72