Hydrodynamics of A Barbage Exhaust Apparatus for Wet Purification of Dust Gases

Karimov Ikromali Tojimatovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Xonazarov Ro,zimuxavadjon Dilshodjon ogli

Doctoral student (PhD), Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Ergashev Nasimbek Axmadjonovich

PhD, Associate Professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Keywords: dust gas, swirling flow, contact element, liquid screen, drag coefficient, pressure, drop eliminator, nozzle.


The article presents the design and principle of operation of a bubbling vortex apparatus, which provides vortex contact of a liquid with a dusty gas, cleaning by a wet method. Theoretical studies have been carried out and a formula has been derived for calculating the total pressure loss in the working chamber of the apparatus depending on the flow rate of dust gases in the working chamber of the apparatus and the resistance coefficients of the formed local and contact elements. As a result of calculating the total pressure loss using the recommended formula, it is possible to determine the efficiency of gas and dust cleaning and the optimal hydrodynamic parameters of the contact elements of the apparatus.


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