Methodology of Education in the Spirit of Military Patriotism in the Process of Education

Shodmonova Shoira Saidovna

Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Ph.D.

Fozil Farkhodov

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education Moral of the Students and Pupils the Director of the Center for Assistance to the Rise

Keywords: methodology, military patriotism, youth, reforms, action strategy, youth union, military-administrative sector, globalization, ethics, education.


In the article, the relevance of the issue of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, the fact that education in the spirit of military patriotism is at the center of state policy in the educational process, the important aspects of the reforms being carried out in this regard, and the importance of educating young people in the spirit of military patriotism in the process of globalization traditional and modern methods of education are covered.


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