Suyunov A. S.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University

Urokov O. A.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University

Mirzayev A. A.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University

Berdikulov U.

Samarkand State Architecture and Construction University

Keywords: GPS/GNSS receiver, reference station, permanent satellite state geodetic network, CORS station, reference geodetic network, geodetic points, differential method.


In the article, the determination of the coordinates of the triangulation points and the errors in them were studied through the state satellite networks that work continuously in Uzbekistan. In the course of field research, based on the materials of the authors' research work in the Samarkand region, the error in determining the coordinates and distances by satellite methods was studied when the satellite moved away from the station. Building a network of GNSS stations is a new technology based on the use of satellite tools to increase geodetic accuracy.


Suyunov A.S., Mirzaev A.A.,Urakov O.A., Mullodjanova G.M. The results of the analysis of the accuracy of the permanent satellite state geodetic network in the Republic of Uzbekistan//Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 12564, 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications for Management and Sustainable Development of Production and Industry (CMSD-II-2022), 125640Y (5 January 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2669919

Suyunov A.S., Mirzaev A.A.,Urakov O.A., Suyunov Sh.A.,Field studies of electronic total stations in a special reference satellite geodetic basis// Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 12564, 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications for Management and Sustainable Development of Production and Industry (CMSD-II-2022), 125640Y (5 January 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2669919 3. Sh. Tukhtamishev, Sh. Suyunov, A. Mirzaev, O. Urokov, U. Berdikulov., Analysis of the quality of measurements of permanent base stations (UZPOS) in the territory of Samarkand// III International Conference on Actual Problems of the Energy Complex: Mining, Production, Transmission, Processing and Environmental Protection (ICAPE2024)., Ecology and Environmental Protection Issues., E3S Web Conf.Volume 498, 02020 (2024) 06 March 2024;

A. A. Mirzaev, Sh. A. Suyunov, O. A. Urakov, G. M. Mullazhanova., Study of reference geodetic polygons in standardization and metrological support of GNSS devices., Galaxy international interdisciplinary research journal (GIIRJ)., 20233, Issue 03, page 389-394, ISSN(E) 2347-6915